

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


First off: Happy Hallows Eve. I'm going to spend the rest of the day (after classes) first at the financial aid office, because surprise surprise, those fuckers can never get shit right, and then baking brownies and watching American Horror Story Coven. My post today is not about that though. I had a conversation with a friend yesterday (it's not deja vu , I wrote something similar yesterday, I talk to a lot of my friends big whoop) about Doctor Martens shoes, first she scolded me for liking them because they are leather (we are both vegetarian and animal defense advocates) then exclaimed (repeatedly) that they were ugly. Here's the thing you guys, I love Docs. Have since I was six, and the fact that my friend thinks they are hideous is not going to change my mind. My friend and I could not be more different, especially when it comes to fashion. She genuinely not interested in it, but I have a mom whose been designing and making clothes since she was twelve and I myself have had my share of designing clothes when I was younger, (think way younger, like rectangle skirts and triangle shirts.) So yes, I like fashion and there's nothing wrong with that, fashion is an art form that's greater than most art forms because we use it everyday to express ourselves. What I'm getting at, and this is not some lame counseling blog where I talk about yours and my feelings, but hey if your friend thinks something you like is ugly I say, fuck em. In a nice way, because I love my friends, but if we can't agree on something, well that's life. What really pisses me off though is that not even a month ago she was crying on the phone telling me she really wanted a pair of Docs, and too bad she couldn't find any that were non-leather (which they have by the way, they have rubber, velvet and vegan options here). I didn't try to remind her of that scenario, only because I'm kind of pacifist and hate arguments and fights and I knew she probably would have denied it and called me a liar. But anyway, the moral of this story is; don't be ashamed to do, or wear something you love because you're worried what you're friends with say/think. When I finally do buy my Docs and wear them and my friend notices, she's probably going to talk shit, to which I will simply reply "fuck off I like them." Fine (Italian for the end.)


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