Seeing as this is my first official post, I thought I'd let you in on who I am. No false pretenses here folks. I live in Los Angeles with my sister. I work at a high end furniture store making minimum wage (sorry, I will not be showing off my over-priced designer clothes, because I don't own any) and I go to Santa Monica College (community!). I just turned 20. I am a film major, I grew up mostly in San Gabriel Valley, but I've lived in Colorado, Hawaii and Guadalajara Mexico. My mom and cat both live in San Diego and I miss them like mad. I've been a Vegetarian for almost three years and I write for fun. Now I blog for fun. I've wanted to start a blog for years, but I never thought my life was interesting enough for one. I don't own expensive and lovely designer garb, and I don't live in a really cute totally enviable apartment in Brooklyn. I also don't own a really good camera. So if my pictures suck...sorry and fuck off. I'm more active on Istagram than anything so follow me there, and if you take really good pictures I'll follow you back. Add me on Facebook if you want. I'm not a photographer in any aspect, but I love staging weird photo shoots with my little sister, so I'll share these with you. also because I've run out of things to write. Fin.

little sis
my cat.
my little sister (I call her Gooey)
me and my sister (yes, we dance on graves)
my best friend
my friend for 11 years
me and my merm
I know the picture quality suck,s but I'm doing this at school, so I had to download pics from my instagram, which btw is @raechellie if you want to follow and @raechellieanne for twitter.
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